Fellenbergstrasse 65f
CH-9000 St. Gallen
Peter Gut had various turnaround and succession planning mandates as managing director.
He has held various board positions, among others with the Rotary Club, the Interessengemeinschaft der Wirtschaft der Stadt St. Gallen (IGW) and the Gemeinnützige und Hilfsgesellschaft der Stadt St. Gallen (schools for the disabled, homes for the elderly, Brockenhaus etc.).
PhD Program
Studies of economics and business administration
Swiss Matura Type B
Management consultancy, supervisory board mandates, co-owner GCS Gut Consulting St. Gallen
EBRD Mandate as Senior Advisor in Gaziantep, Turkey, chocolate production
Director of Administration at the Institute for Information Systems, University of St. Gallen (HSG)
Mandate as CEO of a major Swiss distributor of FMCG products. This mandate ended successfully in 2005.
This mandate served to transfer the management within the owner family from father to son. The company under the management of the son is still successfully active in the market.
Mandates in the areas:
– Leiterplattenproduktion (Deutschland)
– Schokoladenproduktion, Kasachstan (EBRD Mandat)
Medium-sized Swiss chocolate factory with a turnover of 30 million CHF and about 130 employees
Sales and Marketing Manager
Head of marketing small copiers and typewriters
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